Forgotten European Town
Forgotten European Land
Vergessene Europäische Stadt in einem Vergessenen Europäischen Land La città europea dimenticata in un paese europeo dimenticato Užmirštas Europos miestas užmirštame Europos krašte Zapomniane europejskie miasto w zapomnianem kraju Europy Забытый европейский город на забытой европейской земле
In Memory of Ruined Painter Alexandre EROFEEV. Main Contributors: Rev. Krzysztof BANDOLA (Poland): material, Alexandra EKIMOV (Ingria): photo, Late Constantin EKIMOV JUNIOR (Ingria): material, Late Constantin EKIMOV SENIOR (Ingria): photos, Late Martha EKIMOV (Ingria): material, Late Tatiana EKIMOV (Ingria): material, Late Basily EKIMOV (Ingria): material, photos, Late Alexandre EROFEEV (Ingria): archives, Yury GUMENYUK (Ingria): material, Jerzy HENKEL (Poland): material, photos, Manfred KAIREIT (Germany): equipment, Dr. Nikolai KIRSANOV (Ingria): material, Constantin IV KLOSSE (Ingria): material, Timo LAAKSO (Finland): material, Rev. Andrzej MENDROK (Poland): material, hosting, Joseph PASHKA (USA): programming, Nato PSHAVELASHVILI (Georgia): material, Algis RAKAUSKAS (Lithuania): musical reconstruction, Late Tamara ROMANOV (Ingria): material, photos, Zdzislaw SIKORSKI (Poland): access to photos, Ludmilla von WAGNER (Russia): material, photos. Letas Palmaitis, 2004 (Updated 2016), Melitta Depner, 2005.